Did I mention it was my first stay in a hostel.. honestly, I really enjoyed it. We met an assortment of great people from all over the world, and it had the feel of a freshman dorm- ah the memories. Much like my freshman year of college, the memory of Day 2 is quite hazy. A very late bedtime resulted in just a few hours of sleep before Chris woke me up out of my top bunk. Oh yes, a bunk bed. The girls were already getting ready and on the prowl for coffee- my drinking partner in crime and I decided to get dressed and venture out into the sun for a cocktail. The most amazing Sangria was had just a stones throw from our hostel.. Chris opted for a screwdriver and we sat discussing the previous night while the girls went to Starbucks. While we were sitting there, at least three homeless people came by asking for money, the last of course being my favorite. It went something along the lines of "hey you, (referring to me at this point..) you need to get some sun.. you are too pasty." Did I get called out by a bum? Seriously? My response wanted to be something along the lines of you might be tan, but I'll always have a roof over my head- I bit my tongue and graciously thanked him for his advice. After a drink, and meeting up with Jennifer, Alex, and our two British friends Owen and Ash, we were off in search of more tapas. A delicious lunch for 10euros a piece, and it was quite the spread- drinks included, and we decided to go on a walking tour so that it appeared that Madrid was more than just drinking hole for us. It was hot out. Really. Hot. Regardless, the tour was fun, the guide was from Connecticut (team USA) and showed us many beautiful places in the city. We cut out a little early from the tour, after two hours or so, and went to get ready for another night in the city. Alex and I decided to search for souvenirs which ended up being a hour walk around the city, talking and talking, and more talking while we never managed to find anything at all. We stumbled upon a beautiful Catholic church in the middle of mass, where we both sat down and dutifully prayed.. it was absolutely stunning inside, and although the service was in Spanish, it never ceases to amaze me how well religion translates no matter where you are.
Breakfast of Champions- SANGRIA |
Infamous insulting bum |
Walking tour |
Walking tour.. Amsterdam plus London |

For those who don't know, for the past month Madrid specifically has been protesting the government for the rights of citizens. My understanding is that the unemployment rate is at a record high- with 35% of citizens without a job, most of them college graduate who can't find work. In the square near where we stayed, Puerta del Sol, thousands of people have been camping out for weeks- assembling to discuss what can be done to help the working class, and those that can't find any work. On the Sunday while we were there, all the protesters were ordered to pack up their belongings and head home, if they have a home that is. It was really fascinating to walk through the camps, talking with those who wished to tell us about their cause. It was amazing to experience and although protesters typically have a negative and violent connotation, I never once felt threatened. The crowd was peaceful, their hope for change, and as an American I appreciate and respect their dedication to making a better life. Later that evening while we were getting ready to go out, we heard chanting in the street near our hostel, as we looked outside into the dark, we saw thousands of marchers in the street.. repeating their list of wants, standing up for what they believe in. I had goosebumps just watching these people, this unity of citizens from all ages and backgrounds joining into a single voice. It was something I'll never forget.

Cheering for the cause |
Marchers |
Another night in the city. Lots and lots of inappropriate whipping hair back and forth dancing with friends from all over.. My flight was leaving at 9am, so I knew it was going to be a tough morning- but I didn't count on an hour of sleep and then a forty five minute taxi ride to the airport. Twenty minutes to spare before my gate closed, but made it just in time. As soon as I buckled my seat belt, I was fast asleep-dreaming of another trip to Spain.
Love. |
Too much hair whipping. Seriously. |
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