The month of August. Four weeks of Holiday. I know people think "Wow, I'd love to have four weeks off from work.." Yes, granted it was an extended version of what Americans typically experience, but that being said- I had a lot of down time. The family was off to South Africa, and I was splitting my time between Holland and London. Rather than bore you with an overly long summary of each and everything thing I did, I figured I'd review my holiday in photographs.
Enjoy.. I know I did.
Mauritshuis in Den Haag, Holland |
Rembrandt's"Anatomy Lesson"- Mauritshuis |
Veemer "Girl with a Pearl Earring"- Mauritshuis |
Wassenaar beach, Holland |
Brouwerij't IJ Brewery- Amsterdam
London- day drinking with Cat Ninja and Lindsey |
Favorite place in the World. |
Lindsey and I on the way to Borough Market and Pimm's Saturday |
Dinner in Camden with Lindsey&Chris |
Typical. Meow. |
Not Pictured:
*Gay Pride 2011 Concert in Amsterdam
* Friday evening in London, dinner at Pacifico.. followed by dancing and drinking at Roadhouse till late.
*Outstanding dinner at Kait & Ash's flat in London.. amazing food cooked by Chef Ash, and even better company.. Kait, Ash, Kait's beautiful Mom Amy, and Ash's little brother- Aaron. Thank you again "friieeennnddsss!"
Although I had an incredible holiday, I was ready for the kids to return. Talk about a big and empty house, it definitely at times reminded me of "The Shining.." and we all know how that turned out.. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
loved having you over friiiiend