Friday night was a little blurry, too much dutch punch (I obviously don't drink liquor for this reason) and a pact with a crazy South African who made me promise I'd get trashed too. Mission accomplished. Biked into town with Kristiaan and Frannie around 2am, wasn't the most graceful trip.. managed to go into multiple bars, get lost from my group multiple times, and still end up with everyone at the end of the night. Needless to say, Saturday and Sunday was a detox and all day sleep-a-thon.(dont worry Mom.. I'm being safe here) Frannie's birthday party this upcoming weekend will be handled with less alcohol and many more memories..
Lately, I've been a little down. I knew this would happen eventually, with being away from home for 5 months now.. missing little things from the States, feeling like my life is on pause, while everyone elses is on fast forward. Watching friends babies grow up, people getting married, engaged, buying houses, announcing pregnancies and births- all over the internet... I knew this would happen when I decided to come here, that for a year, everyone elses life would continue- but I would be living my life in a new place, at a new pace, with new people. It's like being stuck in limbo.. it's hard to create a life here, because after a while, I'll have to go home- but what will it be like when I get back to the States, what type of adjustments will have to be made?.. I'll have lived somewhere else a full year- and I'll go from missing my friends and family back home, to missing my friends and "family" here in Holland.. It's exciting and miserable all at the same time.
Busy week coming up-Eva is leaving for the States for two weeks, so that makes me super Mom. Hoping that doesn't mean that I'll end up working lots and lots since it's just Jack and me. He's already promised the kids multiple horror film nights, which means I'll have to go upstairs with them after watching "It" and "The Exorcist".. Thanks Jack.
I know what you mean about watching everyone's live via the internet. It sucks but I can promise you then when you go home you'll feel like nothing has changed. It's hard to be away but your real friends will be right there waiting for you when you get back. Chin up, take your vitamins and get excited to see a fellow American in just a few weeks!!