1. Texas Pete.. honest to God, I don't realize when the addiction began but it's a serious one. I put it on eggs, popcorn, fries, healthy choice pepperoni pizza. But my favorite was on popcorn. And there is no spicy sauce to be found here.. I would even take Tabasco.
2. Mexican food. I haven't given up yet, because I haven't tried a few places in Amsterdam or Haarlem. But, I'm talking about North Carolina Mexican food- with Katie and Jenn to be specific. Margaritas, chips and salsa.. and gossip or usually a hangover. Flaming Amy's Wasabi Avocado salsa which might be my second favorite thing in the world after Texas Pete. But I would take Tower 7 salsa right about now too.
3. Target. Oh man, I looked at the website today in preparation for my arrival into NC in a couple of weeks. Huge mistake. Really big. Love their stuff.. it's addictive.
4. Crab legs. Ben and I used to have them almost once a week during the summer when we lived in Wilmington, and well Greensboro too.. boil them on the stove with a lot of old bay. Amazing. But to be honest, I miss cooking on the grill too.. nothing like a charcoal flavor.
5. My own bedroom.. that I decorated. With all of my things.. That's one of the hardest things about living in someone elses home.. it never feels like your own.
6. Raleigh Pavilion.. last concert that I saw was Coldplay. Absolutely amazing. This year, I will be missing Mumford and Son's. I thought I moved to Europe to see European bands? It's bullshit.
7. Everything bagels with cream cheese.. I'm not even picky about where from.
8. Snuggling with Porter. Anyone that has a Weimaraner knows that these dogs LOVE to snuggle. He is like a small person.. or in this case an 80 pound person that loves to get under the covers with his head on a pillow and snore, loudly. He loves to yawn and then sneak in a kiss in the morning too. He sprawls out and takes over most of the bed, but I love him- and I surely miss snuggling.
9. My moms cooking. White bean chicken chili, chicken salad, homemade spaghetti.. the list goes on. And my mom and grandma of course.
10. A haircut. I'm terrified to get my hair cut here because I'm afraid the dutch/english translation won't go the way I want it too and I'll have a short haircut and stupid bangs. That being said, I would love to have a haircut, my eyebrows waxed, and a pedicure on my arrival.
Did I mention I'm going back to NC for 8 days? My trip was extended because I have two weeks off here.. and I absolutely can't wait. April 27th-May 8th :) Waiting on my ticket provider with fingers crossed.