Out at the bar- legal drinks and JAMESON! |
London Day Three: At this point, my crappy Lebara mobile telephone was NOT working in the UK. And there was no computer at the flat. That makes for an interesting scenario for traveling tourist who are trying to get in touch with local friends. Hence, those cute, red and stereotypical British telephone booths came in quite handy. I was in fact, one of those people that instead of taking pictures of pretending to use the phone in the booth, actually was. I finally got in touch with Kaitlyn around noon on Friday for our lunch date. I was instructed that 1. My mom was looking for me (shocker, sometimes I curse the day Facebook opened up to the "world" - remember the college email address days?) 2. I was to take the underground and meet her outside of her work! So excited, and off I went. Called from two telephone booths to find the right place, and then boom- reunited! It was like it was last week that we last saw each other, when in actuality, it had been what- 6 or 7 years. That's ridiculous. With both of us on this side of the pond, I hope that we will be able to visit each other and hang out more often than that! Went to a delicious Italian restaurant and I think the waiters were annoyed with us, because we wouldn't stop talking long enough to even look at the menu. Our lunch date lasted umm about 2 hours? Anyone that knows either one of us, knows we could talk for days without taking a break. Plus, there was so much to catch up on and discuss! (Thanks for lunch Kait!!!) After a delicious spinach and avocado salad, we parted ways and agreed to meet up to go out for her boyfriend Ash's birthday later on that evening. I was to be back at her office by 5, no big deal- I had the rest of the day to explore more of London! (There is never, ever a chance that you'll run out of things to do there..) Promptly at 5, we met up and took off towards the pub that Ash and his friends were drinking at.. let's just say that he's as wonderful as I imagined him to be. I wouldn't expect anything less from Kaitlyn though, she's quite the catch. After a couple of years and living together, they are adorable- she's his personal stylist (love the red shirt), they laugh at their own jokes, and are the type of couple that gives each other space to enjoy their friends too. We started off at a pub, drinking copious amounts of Heineken. That still baffles me, Europeans from all over really, really love Dutch beer- that's all that we drank in Dublin (and Guinness) and again in London. Previously this week on my first date night with Ben, I had mentioned the Jameson rep was at the Irish pub we were at and we scored free Jameson. While Kaitlyn and I were in the WC, I noticed on the wall that the Jameson reps were in fact going to be at the pub we were at in an hour- I told Kaitlyn who replied that she didn't like Jameson.. ahhh we will see about that. I am a BIG fan of Irish Whiskey, on the rocks (I don't even think my Mom knows that..surprise?) In walked the Jameson reps- and I introduced Kait to the wondeful world of Irish whiskey. Needless to say, we managed to talk our way into two or three free drinks and then two for one vouchers. :)
Kait and Ash |
"Feeling my fresh..." |
After Jameson at the pub, we were off to Roadhouse in Covent Garden, which is a beautiful area of London. We were in hurry, so we didn't have to pay cover before 10pm.. and we made it in plenty of time. We were drinking Passion Fruit Bellini's which are amazing.. a mixture of fruits and champagne, how can you go wrong. At this point, our pictures show that we were perhaps more intoxicated than we thought considering just about all of them are rubbish. The live music was amazing and we posted up at the bar- dancing and drinking the night away. Looking forward to spending more time with all of them on future trips to the UK. AND, I think that a trip to Amsterdam should be in the works for Kait and Ash!
Oh boy. |
Passion Fruit Bellini's |
Ash, Kait, and Mike |
Roadhouse |
love this. thanks for the kind words about us :) cant wait to see you again soon. guess we should plan a double date for your next london trip? and maybe me and ash will work out a trip to the Dam this summer!!!! xxxx